Easter 2021 Sunday Service Video
Video of Easter 2021 Service
Too much chaff, not enough Love
January 9, 2022 Scripture Readings: Isaiah...
What’s New?
September 5, 2021 Scripture Readings: Isaiah...
Sermons by date and title
Easter 2021 Sunday Service Video
Too much chaff, not enough Love
January 9, 2022 Scripture Readings: Isaiah...
What’s New?
September 5, 2021 Scripture Readings: Isaiah...
A Community Known by its Convictions and Actions
Sermon by Tanya Fernandes OT: Habakkuk 1: 1-4 and 2:1-4 NT: Luke 19: 1-10 I recently found these on the internet: You know...
God’s Love
7 th Sun. of Easter Acts 16:16-34 John 17:20-26 Prayer…. O, Lord our God, may the words of my mouth and the mediation of...
A Different King
A Different KingSermon by Elder Larry PlankJeremiah 23:1-6 Luke 23:33-43 Prayer….O, Lord our God, may the words of my mouth...
The Cross: Foolishness & Weakness…NOT
Sermon by Tanya Fernandes NT Reading: Psalms 19: 7-11 & 14 OT Reading: I Corinthians 1:18-25 I’m sure you know that I...
Go Tell
Sermon by Elder Larry PlankIsaiah 35:1-10 Matthew 11:2-11 Our text opens today with an unusual scene. Here we are in the...
Longing – How Do We Wait?
Sermon by Co-Pastor Tanya Fernandes OT Reading: Jeremiah 33: 14-16NT Reading: Luke 21:25-36 Luke, Chapter 21 is directly...
Cost of Discipleship
By Elder Larry Plank Scripture Lesson: Job 23:1-9, 16-17; Mark 10:17-31 Our text opens with Jesus continuing on his...