A Community Known by its Convictions and Actions
Growing up in a Small Town Community
God’s Love
7 th Sun. of Easter Acts 16:16-34 John 17:20-26 Prayer…. O, Lord our God, may the words of my mouth and the mediation of...
A Different King
A Different KingSermon by Elder Larry PlankJeremiah 23:1-6 Luke 23:33-43 Prayer….O, Lord our God, may the words of my mouth...
Sermons by date and title
Come See
Sermon By Elder Larry Plank Scripture Lesson:1Samuel 3:1-10John 1:43-51 Prayer….O, Lord our God, may the words of my mouth...
Looking for an Answer
By Tanya Fernandes Scripture Lesson:Old Testament: Isaiah 64: 1-9New Testament: I Corinthians 1: 3-9 In your life, has it...
Cutting Through the Noise of Our Day
Cutting Through The Noise Of Our DayBy Tanya Fernandes Scripture Lessons:OT: I King 19: 1-13NT: Philippians 4: 4 – 9 I have...
Loving Our Neighbor
By Elder Larry Plank Exodus 12:1-14 Romans 13:8-14 The Epistle to the Romans is written by Brother Paul while in Corinth to...